French 3-4

June 2015
Click on the link to watch the Cycle 2 play "Boucles Violettes et the trois ours".
Boucles Violettes et les trois ours - Cycle 2

September 2012
We have started a new program in French called AIM. The kit we are working on is called "Les trois petits cochons". This is an introductory kit to a program that uses gestures to help the students learn the French language.

September 20, 2011
Welcome back to a new school year. Cycle 2 will have an evaluation on Thursday, September 29th. Please review the pages with a star in the "Mon école" booklet in the duo-tang.

January 26, 2011
We are now working on the writing competency. We have been writing about farm animals, and soon students will be assigned an animal and they will have to write a paragraph describing it. Students will also present their work to the class.

December 8, 2010
We will have a French evaluation on "Les animaux de la ferme" on Thursday, Dec. 16th. Please review the words and pages with a star on them. Grade 2 is only responsible for the vocabulary, not the pages with a star.

November 10, 2010
We have started a new unit called "Les animaux de la ferme" (Farm Animals). We will be reading stories, writing, and talking about the different animals that live on a farm. The pages/words that are the most important have been marked with a * if you wish to start reviewing with your child at home. I will notify you at least a week prior to the next evaluation.

October 19, 2010
The French 2-3-4 class will have an evaluation on Thursday, October 28th. Please review the pages in the duo-tangs marked with a *.

Welcome to the French 2-3-4 class. We are currently working on a unit called "Un crayon". In this unit we will read and talk about real and imaginary stories, including the adventures of a young boy named Max and his pencil.

October 14, 2010
Our "accordion" stories about Max's adventures with his pencil.

Here are some pictures of our class working on stories in French.

Drew & Ronnie

Haley & Nickolas

Yannick & Robert B

Maria & Jenna

Brianna, Robert W & Ashtin


Sean & Noah
