French 9


September, 2011
Welcome to a new school year. Students have just finished writing and illustrating a children's story in groups and will present them to younger students. We have just begun working in our book, Transmission 3.

FRENCH 8-9 (2010-2011)
March 11, 2011
Brigitte and Zachary - Homework: Coin lecture, pages 69 & 70, to be handed in.

We have started a new unit in Transmission : 'Unité 3 -Une enquête sur les bras'. We will be doing a group assignment, a photo-essay, in which students write a mini police story, take pictures, narrate and put in the dialogue. Digital photos must be taken at home, on your own time and we will work on the final product in class.

January 26, 2011
We are working on a project about comic books/cartoons. See page 63 in the Transmission workbook for a description of the assignment.

October 14, 2010
Evaluation on Transmission - Unit 1 on Wednesday, October 20th.

September 29,2010
Assignment  due Thursday, October 7th
(Comp. 3 - Produire des textes variés) 'Coin écriture' - page 21
 Thanks to new technology, people are closer to one another. Is this really the case? Do you agree with this statement?
You must complete the graphic organizer, write the rough copy of the text, edit, then write the good copy to be handed in and evaluated. You must also hand in the graphic organizer, stapled to the back of the assignment. We will be working on this assignment in class.

September 24, 2010
Welcome to the French 8-9 class. Please check this page regularly for assignments, up-coming evaluations, and notes.

The workbook we will be using in French class this year is called "Transmission 2". We will also work on LES's (Learning and Evaluation Situations), ES's (Evaluation Situations) and Rosetta Stone. This year I am implementing a program called "Les cinq au quotidien".  At the beginning of each class, students will be reading books/magazines of their choice in French. We are working our way up to reading for 20 minutes. Once this has been achieved, I will introduced other components of the program, including reading with a partner, listening to text, working with words, etc...

Instead of having the students copy down notes in class, we will go over them together, then I will post them on the blog. Students can then copy them down from the blog, on their own time, or print them off. The time saved in class will be used to implement "Les cinq au quotidien" mentioned above.

******Students will need a headset with microphone for the Rosetta Stone program. Ten have been ordered to go with the laptops, however, for hygienic purposes, you may wish to have your own. Please bring them in as soon as possible.******

NOTES - September 29, 2010

Point de grammaire – Page 15

Verb Tenses:
Verb tenses vary depending on when the action is taking place. Chosen verb tenses can express an action that is taking place in the present, has taken place in the past, or will take place in the future.

We use the present tense to…

·       talk/write about an action that is taking place in this moment.
Example: Présentement, j’écris à l’ordinateur.
                           Presently, I am writing on the computer.

·       describe a known fact.
Example: Les internautes sont nombreux.
               Internet users are numerous.

·       talk/write about a fact or action that happens regularly.
Example: Chaque matin, je lis le journal en déjeunant avec mon père.
                                Every morning, I read the newspaper while having breakfast with my father.

·       describe the events in a story.
Example: Il était 4 heures et je faisais mes devoirs. Tout à coup, on sonne à la porte.
               It was 4 o’clock and I was doing my homework. All of a sudden, someone was 
               ringing the doorbell.

We use the ‘passé composé’ to…

·       talk/write about an action that has happened at a precise moment in the past and has ended.
Example: Hier soir, ma soeur a rencontré ses amis.
               Last night, my sister met her friends.

→ Here are some indicators which let you know that you should choose the ‘passé composé’ :
le mois dernier (last month),
avant-hier (the day before yesterday),
en mai 1990 (in May, 1990),
la semaine passé (last week).

We use the ‘imparfait’ to…

·       talk/write about an action in the past that does not have a precise beginning or ending.
Example: Dans sa jeunesse, mon grand-père ne connaissait pas les TIC.
               When he was young, my grandfather didn’t know about ITC.

·       describe location, characters, or the initial setting in a story.
Example: Il était une fois une jeune fille qui adorait raconter des histoires.
              Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to tell stories.

→ Here are some indicators which let you know that you should choose the ‘imparfait’:
                autrefois (in the olden days),
                dans le passé (in the past),
                quand (when).

We use the ‘futur simple’ to…

·       talk/write about an action that will happen later, in the future.
Example: Dans trois mois, je finirai mon cours.
                In three months, I will finish my course.

·       talk/write about an action or fact that has a good chance of coming to be.
Example: Dans the prochaines années, les technologies seront encore plus avancées.
               In the next few years, technology will be even more advanced.

→ Here are some indicators which let you know that you should choose the ‘future simple’:
                plus tard (later),
                la semaine prochaine (next week),
                tout à l’heure (in a little while),
                dans plusieurs années (in several years)